
I can't believe it's been a whole month since my last blog post. It's been crazy busy around here, that's for sure. I have to blog about this though, cuz it's so awesome.

Two Saturday's ago (the 8th) our daughter, Ruth, graduated from the University of Idaho with a degree in Computer Science and minors in Geology and Math. We drove down to Moscow, ID to attend the ceremony. I got a couple pictures with my phone, but they're a bit blurry because we were so far from her. She is the one in front of the young man in the blue suit in the below picture. The graduates were walking up to the stage to receive their diplomas.

Here she is shaking the college President's hand.

My husband and I admitted to each other that we were a little bit in doubt until we actually saw her walk into the arena. Then I just started crying I was so happy. It took a long time for her to get through college because it was very hard for her. I am so proud she finished.

Afterwards, we went to a restaurant for lunch, and to celebrate. My husbands twin brother and his wife, and our nephew and his girlfriend were with us, as well as a surprise for Ruth. Her sister, Sarah, flew out for the weekend to see her sister graduate. We didn't tell Ruth. She found out when she looked up in the stands and saw us all sitting together. Here we all are at the restaurant. From left to right going around the table: brother-in-law Dan, Sweet Hubby, Me, daughter Sarah, daughter Ruth, nephew's girlfriend Alira, nephew Nathan, and sis-in-law Sue

Here is the graduate. Ruth.

My beautiful daughters, Sarah and Ruth.

It was a fantastic day.

Last Saturday we drove down to Moscow, ID again to move Ruth out of her apartment and bring her home. Dan and Sue came down with us and helped. I'm so glad they did because it was a big job. I don't think we could have done it in one day without them. So now Ruth is home with us and after the holidays she will seriously be looking for a job.

On Tuesday of last week was the annual Rathdrum festival called December Delights. The library participates every year and this year they asked us to do this little booth thing. Myself and another member of the Rathdrum Library knitting group had a little table set up in the library to sort of advertise the group. My friend and fellow member, Barb, and I spent a couple hours answering questions about the group and knitting. There were a lot of people that came. It was fun. Here we are with our little table. We both brought a few small items we'd knitted to display.

I have one more thing. Knitwits had our December distribution meeting earlier this month. We made a total of 1850 items this year. That makes for a lot of bags.

The Coeur d'Alene Press did a very nice article about the group. If you're interested, you can read it if you click on this link:  Knitwits article

So, next Saturday we, that's me, hubby, and Ruth, are flying out to Providence, RI to spend Christmas with our daughter Sarah and her husband. They bought us tickets and I'm very excited. My sister-in-law Kathryn is going to stay at our house while we're away to take care of the fur kids. So I probably won't be blogging anything until after New Years. I promise, I have been knitting and beading. I'll blog about them when I get back.

Have a wonderful holiday celebration, and of course, as always,

Live long and prosper. \\//


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