WIPs For Today

Thought I'd post a couple WIP pics. I've been working on this cardigan for the next layette set. I just need to find some buttons for it.

I started the hat for it.

I don't know if I'm going to continue making these for this whole year, but for now I'm content to make another set.

I need to finish the black and white set I'm making for the nephew and his wife, who are expecting any day now. I just need to get the edging on the blanket fabric.

I've also been working on the Felt Applique stocking. It's coming along nicely.

Don't have much snow out on the ground. Maybe 4 to 6 inches. Kind of unusual for this time of year, but not unheard of. I remember having a winter when I had my shop (early 2000's) where I needed to have my parking lot plowed only 3 times the whole winter. We have had several dry cold days. Even a bit of sunshine, which felt so good. Snow/freezing rain is supposed to move in tonight. I'm ready for spring.

Took down the Christmas tree and decorations last week. Ruth helped me. The fur kids were running around and knocked it crooked. Several of my beaded cover ornaments fell on the floor and broke. Decided, after cleaning up the broken glass, since it was leaning over anyway, might as well take it all down. I won't have problems repairing the broke ornaments. I'm going to put the covers on plastic ornaments instead of glass this time. They've got some really pretty ones now that look every bit as good.

The birds have come back to the bird buffet. Mostly finches, chickadees, Flickers, and magpies. Snow on the ground seems to be their reason for showing up.

Live long and prosper. \\//


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