WIP Wednesday

I'm working on the cardigan for Layette set 35. I'm loving the bright colors in this variegated yarn.

I'm still working on the second of the socks I'm making for Frank. I'm about 20 rows from finishing the stranded pattern.

I am having a somewhat miserable week. Last Sunday I took myself to my favorite Urgent Care clinic and was diagnosed with Shingles. Shingles is no fun. I've got severe pain that starts in the middle of my spine and radiates around my left side to my abdomen accompanied by a very painful rash that has spread around me. My skin feels like it's on fire. I broke out in the rash Thursday morning. By Saturday evening I was pretty sure I had Shingles. Thus, hauling my ass to the doctor early the next morning. I've been given a prescription for an antivirus medication which is supposed to cut the length I have this torture. Other than that, it's just waiting until it works it's way through to healing.

I'm contagious as long as the blisters of the rash are blisters. I'm staying home this whole week. I can't give someone else Shingles, but I can give them Chicken Pox if they haven't had them before. So, I've been trying to knit and stuff. It's hard, though, cuz the pain distracts and makes it hard to do anything.

When I am well again I will be getting the Vaccine . You can get Shingles over and over again. I don't want this ever again.

It's a beautiful sunshiny day today. I'm hoping the afternoon will be warm enough that I can sit out on the deck for awhile. I could use the fresh air.

Live long and prosper. \\//


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