Update (Humming Star Trek Theme)
Making progress on the Mini Star Trek project.
I've stitched the top words in metallic gold. Trying to decided if I want to outline it in black or not.
Speaking of stitching in metallic, I did a bit of googling to see if I could find some helpful tips on doing just that. Metallic threads have been so difficult for me to work with. I found a fantastic one that is so helpful it literally has solved all the problems I've had with it. This really works! I wish I'd known this a decade or two ago.
3. Say goodbye to fraying, slipping and tangling:
Use the slip knot method to thread the needle.
This method is fool proof: Your thread will be locked onto your needle and there’s absolutely no risk of fraying.

Lock your floss onto your needle to eliminate any risk of fraying
If you’re using two strands, cut a single strand, double the length. Fold in two. Thread as indicated above. Pull out about an inch and a half. Slip the tip of the needle through the loop formed by the thread and pull needle out. Tighten the knot so it forms a tiny knot at the end of the needle.
This looks like it might prevent your needle pulling through the fabric but it really does work with most fabrics (with the exception of fine counts and tightly woven fabrics).
I found this plus some other tips on Creative Poppy Patterns. Pop over and visit it.
I've stitched the top words in metallic gold. Trying to decided if I want to outline it in black or not.
Speaking of stitching in metallic, I did a bit of googling to see if I could find some helpful tips on doing just that. Metallic threads have been so difficult for me to work with. I found a fantastic one that is so helpful it literally has solved all the problems I've had with it. This really works! I wish I'd known this a decade or two ago.
3. Say goodbye to fraying, slipping and tangling:
Use the slip knot method to thread the needle.
This method is fool proof: Your thread will be locked onto your needle and there’s absolutely no risk of fraying.

Lock your floss onto your needle to eliminate any risk of fraying
If you’re using two strands, cut a single strand, double the length. Fold in two. Thread as indicated above. Pull out about an inch and a half. Slip the tip of the needle through the loop formed by the thread and pull needle out. Tighten the knot so it forms a tiny knot at the end of the needle.
This looks like it might prevent your needle pulling through the fabric but it really does work with most fabrics (with the exception of fine counts and tightly woven fabrics).
I found this plus some other tips on Creative Poppy Patterns. Pop over and visit it.
I've been knitting too. I've finished the body and one sleeve of the baby cardigan I'm working on. It's coming out nicely, though I've not taken any photos of it yet.
On Wednesday my daughter and I went into our woods and dug up a young 4 ft tall Ocean Spray plant and planted it in the yard. It turned out to be a very tough job. In fact, we ended up getting Sweet Hubby to help us because the digging was so difficult. Our soil is very rocky (Thanks to ancient glaciers) and also chock full of roots from all the Snow Berry bushes, trees, etc. It took two hours to get the job done. I've been wanting one of these bushes in the yard for several years, so I'm happy. I took a picture, but it's hard to see with all the greenery behind it. I've put in an arrow pointing at the one flower bunch on the bush. Here's hoping it survives the transplant.
We started out trying to find a baby plant. I thought I'd found one about 8 inches high, dug it up, and on the way back to the house ran across a young wild apple tree. The leaves looked exactly alike, so then I wasn't so sure I had an Ocean Spray. Decided to chuck it and go get a larger bush.
I think I mentioned a few weeks ago I sprained my knee. Well, it's been giving me a lot of grief, so yesterday I went and saw a doctor about it. I will be getting some physical therapy, and she gave me a prescription for an anti-inflammatory cream to help with the pain. She doesn't think I've actually torn anything, which makes me feel much better about it.
We're going camping this weekend. Trying out a campground on the north fork of the Coeur d'Alene river that we've not stayed in before. It's been very hot this past week and will be for quite some time, so I'm looking forward to cooling off in the river.
Live long and prosper. \\//
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