WIP Wednesday 3/28/2018

I would have posted this earlier this morning, but I was having computer problems. My virus protection software disappeared. I spent all morning figuring out what happened to it. Apparently, a virus got on my computer that was blocking the virus protection program. Thankfully the company that makes my virus program had a little program I could download and run that fixed the problem, but it took me a long time to figure out that was my solution.

Sheesh! Time flies when you're busy. Here's an update of the current WIPS.

In knitting, I've finished knitting all the cardigan pieces. It's time to sew them all together. (The cat ears are Merino laying in the window bed soaking up sunshine.)

I tried sewing the first sleeve on yesterday, but I was not feeling well which made everything I tried to do end in disaster, so I put it away for the day. Cross stitching went much better.

On the Mini Star Trek I've finished 4 more characters since I last posted about it. All of Mudd's women are done. I made some changes to two of the gals. I wanted them to look more like the tv characters so I added the white collar to the green dress, and changed the sleeve on the purple dress, as well as making it purple instead of blue like it is in the pattern.

The next character is one of the aliens from The Cage/Menagerie episode.

and the Orion slave girl from that same episode.

I only have 5 left to do. I'm having so much fun with this project.

It's a beautiful sunny day at the moment, though I see grey clouds headed this way. Earlier this week we got snow. Winter is still trying to hang on, but we're definitely getting into spring. We're starting to have 5 minute weather. I got hailed on yesterday while sitting in the hot tub. It felt like I was getting hit with little needles. I ducked under the water until it was over.

I wish it was warm enough to sit out on the deck. Soon, though. Soon we'll be having warmer days.

Live long and prosper. \\//


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