WIP Wednesday February 21, 2018

Hello! It's WIP Wednesday again. It's also me and sweet hubby's 36th wedding anniversary.  I can't believe it's been 36 years. He's the best husband a woman could ask for and I'm super thankful he married me.

So, I was working on the Mini Star Trek doing the backstitch outline on the pink dress Mudd's lady and I thought to myself that things would look much better with more outlining than I've been doing. I've just been outlining the outside edges. That kind of looked weird on miss pink dress lady. So I outlined everything and she looked so much better. Then I spent the next couple hours doing the same thing to the whole project. Didn't take very long and it all looks so much better.

10 characters are done. 9 to go. I've started number 11, the green dress lady, with her arm. ('Scuse the shadows. The sun is shining.) Someone told me they didn't like this cuz it's "too cartoony". I said "Duh. That's what I love about it."

I put the shoulders together on the entrelac cardigan using the 3-needle bind off. Now I'm knitting the first sleeve.

This project has been so fun. I'm gonna be sad when it's done.

We got sunshine today. It's not warm though. Got down below zero last night, and it's only 16F right now (about 10 am). The whole week is going to be frigid.

I went out yesterday, when it was 13F, to sit in the hot tub and the leak has returned. The water level was just above the highest jet. Feeling disgusted, I sat in it anyway. The water was nice and hot. There's something about sitting in a tub full of hot water surrounded by tons of snow and ice that just makes the whole day good. It's very satisfying. I'm going to have to put some more Fix a Leak in the thing. Didn't expect it to do this.

Sweet hubby is still looking for a job. There is a possibility in the works, but I'm not going into details until it works out, if it works out. If it works out, life will be AWESOME. The important thing is, we've got hope now.

Speaking of job hunting, we learned something about it last week. Did you know that when you submit your resume to a company online that a human is not the first thing that looks at it? Nope. A computer does. Software searches for key words on your resume and if it doesn't find any of them your resume is bumped to the rejection pile. If it does find the words, the resume goes to the hiring department. We did not know that. Good grief things have changed since the last time we did any job hunting! Hubs is rewriting his resume.

Live long and prosper. \\//


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