Newsy Stuff

I'm gonna blog about cooking. For Christmas, my daughter and son-in-law sent me a Kitchenaide Stand Mixer. I am very greatful for it. I've wanted on for a long time but could not justify the expense. I had a hand mixer that worked perfectly fine. So when a huge heavy box with my name on it was delivered by UPS, I was mystified and completely surprised when I opened it. It's not just a Kitchenaide, it's PURPLE!

I wanted to try it out right then, however, we had a large quantity of Christmas baked goods to eat up first. It would be silly to start baking cakes with all that still needing to be eaten, so I waited. We finally finished it all off.

Last Saturday there were 2 very brown bananas in the fruit bowl, so I decided to try out the mixer. I made a banana cake. Wow! Is it ever nice. The mixer, that is. Well, the cake was nice too. It was delicious. But I'm talkin' mixer here. It was so nice to not have to hold on to the mixer and the bowl and it was so quiet. I was able to gather ingredients while it was going. It mixes beautifully too. I love it. Wow, why didn't I get one sooner?

On Sunday I decided to try making my very first souffle. Dan and Sue were here helping sweet hubby build an office in the loft of the garage/shop. I asked them to stay for dinner. I filled the crock pot up with beef stew makings. I needed something to go with it though. I had a loaf of raising bread dough (from the freezer-no bread kneeding for me that day). I wanted something more. I'd never made a souffle before. Don't know why. Just never thought of it I guess. I had all the ingredients on hand, so I didn't even have to go to the store. Hurray!

I used the mixer to whip the eggs "until stiff, but not dry". I made the white sauce, then put all the ingredients together-- egg yolks, a bit of cheese, and then I folded those beautifully whipped egg whites in. I baked the souffle and it came out perfect!

It was so tasty too. Everything was so good. There were no leftovers from that meal.

By the way, souffles are pretty easy to make. I used the recipe in my Joy of Cooking book. Easy, and so very delicious.

I have finished characters 5 and 6 in my Star Trek cross stitch project.

This is Amanda and Sarek, Spocks parents. Aren't they cute? The next character is a Romulan.

Live long and prosper. \\//


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