2017 Knitting In Review

2017 was a productive year. I have a total of  55 projects in my Ravelry notebook. All of them are small, but I've really really enjoyed them. Admittedly, 9 of them were crochet. Here's a list of all I made.

5 pairs childrens mittens
1 pair mens mittens
9 baby cardigans
9 baby hats
9 pairs of baby booties
1 single bootie replacement
1 pair of mukluks
1 dog sweater
1 doll 2-pc set
2 doll dresses
1 doll skirt
3 doll short sleeve tops
2 doll hats

9 baby blanket edgings
1 toilet paper cover

Should you be interested in seeing them all, go here:  2017 Finished Knitting

Of all the projects, I think my favorite is the pink doll dress with the fur yoke.

My favorite layette set was this one. I love the color combination.

I did have a goal last year to get into making fairisle mittens. Clearly, that got tossed by the wayside after the first pair. I was just enjoying the layette sets too much.

This year about the only goals I have is to make Zoey some sweaters, and to make as much for KnitWits as I can. I've already got the first layette set almost done, and I finished a sweater for Zoey last week. I hope to blog about them soon. I've got yarn picked out for the next dog sweater too.

I also have the baby cardigan sweater pattern almost finished. Soon it will be on the pattern blog.

The weather has been cold and wet. We got a big bunch of snow a few days ago, and then it warmed up and rained. Today it was a beautiful sunny day with an unseasonably warm breeze coming from the south. Our temperatures are predicted to be all the way into the 40's over the next few days. The annual January thaw has arrived! Here's to hoping all of the snow goes away before winter returns.

Live long and prosper. \\//


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