Doll Knitting

I've been knitting doll clothes. Mostly to fit my Iplehouse JID dolls. I've made a couple sweaters that don't look like much in these pics.

However, they fit my dolls perfectly. I'll be taking pictures of them wearing these eventually.

I've made some hats too. Getting closer to putting some new things in my Etsy store.

I've also started a cross stitch project. I'm not sure what it is, but at this time of year I get a hankering for cross stitch. A couple of years ago I found an awesome set of free cross stitch patterns on a blog called Mini Star Trek. I am working on something using them. Mine will have 19 characters from the original series. I've finished the first two. Can you guess who they are?

We got some snow last night. Just an inch. It spent the day melting. Winter weather is in the forcast.

I don't think I've been blogging about my hot tub woes. In October, as a matter of routine, I emptied the hot tub to clean it, and the filter. I got it all done, refilled the tub, and started it up. The next day I went out to use it and the water level was down a good inch and a half. It had leaked the water overnight. I discovered a leak on the pump and told sweet hubby about it. He fixed it the following day. I filled the tub up again. It still leaked. A third of the water had leaked out overnight. I was quite upset about it. Instead of getting better, it was getting worse. We couldn't figure out where the leak was.

Sweet hubby went on Google and discovered Fix a Leak. It's for fixing pool and hot
tub leaks. You pour it in the water with the filter removed and circulate the water. The stuff fills up the leaks. It will plug leaks up to an eighth of an inch wide. You let it cure for a few days before you can use the pool. We decided to try it. It WORKED! My tub doesn't leak anymore! I am SO happy. Now I can use my tub again.

I got our Christmas tree up today with the lights on. I haven't put the star or ornaments on it yet. I can't remember where I put the star last year after I took it down. I'll do a little search later this week.

Tomorrow I have Yarnies. I'm working on another pair of kids mittens. I probably will take that project with me.

I started another baby cardigan too. I've been working on writing up the pattern for the little letterman jacket style sweater I designed. The pattern is being tested on Ravelry. I'm going to knit up a model to photograph for the pattern. It's coming along nicely. Should be done by the end of the year.

Well, that's the news for now.

Live long and prosper. \\//


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