North Idaho Fair 2016 Results

I helped man the North Idaho Secular Society booth at the fair yesterday as planned. I took the opportunity, while there, to check out my entries to see how they did. Not bad, if I do say so myself.

The doll outfit took a first place blue ribbon and the Superintendents Choice award.

This baby sweater and hat, which is part of Layette set #16, won a first place blue ribbon.

This baby layette set (#10) won a second place red ribbon.

My bracelet won second place red ribbon.

And most surprising of all, Snowman Row won first place blue and Superintendents Choice ribbons.

A couple of ladies, who saw my reaction when I found my doll, offered to take my picture with my phone. So here I am, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

I am a happy girl!

Live long and prosper. \\//


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