WIP Wednesday Again

I've got 2 knit projects in the works for this post. First, I've started the second of a pair of gold child's mittens. They'll be size 4-6. I've also got the knitting done for the matching hat to the entrelac cardigan. Just needs blocking and sewing together the pieces. Still haven't found a pattern I like for entrelac booties. This week we are having glorious spring weather. Sunshine, blue sky, and fluffy clouds. It's very warm. I've been opening windows and doors and blowing out the winter staleness. The hot tub is leaking yet again. I've told sweet hubby I give up. I'm tired of dealing with it. The damn thing is over 50 years old and it's reached the end of it's life. He's not willing, yet, to let go, so I leave it to him as to what to do next. If we could just figure out where the leaks are, we could probably fix it, but alas. I had some problems with my new vacuum cleaner over the weekend. It would not suck. I discovered that I...