Catching Up/Layette Set #22

It's been a busy busy summer. I am having a hard time finding opportunities to blog. I think I've taken on a bit too much. I will have to see about eliminating something before I go bat doo-doo crazy. Since my last post we've been back east to visit my daughter and son-in-law in Rhode Island. We had a wonderful week with them. We visited the RISD art museum that is attached to Brown University with some wonderful art. I got to see one of my favorite Picasso paintings, Seated Woman With a Book -the real thing- in the flesh, so to speak. I was very surprised at how small it was. It was just 16 by 9 inches. I expected it to be much bigger. But it's still just as beautiful as I thought it would be. The whole museum was wonderful. We also drove out to Cape Cod, visited an old Cotton Mill, and various other fun things. I enjoyed it so much. After returning home my life has been full of lots of knitting meetings, club meetings, and whatnot. I attend too many meetings. Last w...