Today - Birds
The Parkarosa Bird Buffet is pretty busy lately. Mostly I have Chickadees, a Nuthatch, Pine Siskins, and various finches. However, there are some new birds hanging around lately I thought I'd share. This year I hung a Hummingbird feeder in the buffet tree. It's getting customers. I'm pretty sure this is a Calliope hummingbird. Haven't been able to see it's chest yet but we only get two types at my house and this definitely isn't a Rufous. The Rufous is brown. A Black Headed Grosbeak showed up about 2 weeks ago. The poor fellow seems to be alone. I've yet to see a mate. He eats a lot too. This last customer I call Birdus Squirrelus. We've always had grey squirrels around here, but this is the first time any have bothered my feeders. He shows up while the front sprinklers are on which is why he's soaking wet. He spends a few minutes eating, then leaves. So I don't think I'm going to worry about it, unless he starts bringing friends. If that h...