A Dream of Marigold and Cinnamon

A couple weeks before our cruise Tonner Dolls announced they are discontinuing their Ellowyne Wilde line of dolls. I decided, under the circumstances, I had better order a doll that I wanted but hadn't got around to doing so. She arrived just before we had to leave and I'm finally getting around to blogging about her. This is Ellowyne - A Dream of Marigold and Cinnamon She came out last year. She's rather unusual in that Ellowyne was used for a darker skinned doll. It's the only time Tonner has done this, at least, in the Wilde line anyway. I absolutely love her and think she's gorgeous. I love her dark gold eyes. She has henna tattoos on her hands and several bracelets, though I've only put 3 on her here. I had to remove her hands to get them on. Her black hair is incredibly long. She has a pair of long dangle earrings too, but the holes in her ears are not deep enough to put them on. I will have to fix that. After taking these picture I carefully put her back ...