Last Wednesday we lost our internet connection. I tried everything to get it to connect, but it wouldn't work. I finally called our service provider and they sent out a repairman. Unfortunately, though, he couldn't come out until yesterday. I went almost a whole week having to use my smart phone for internet access and NO Netflix. Not fun. My eyes are suffering some pretty nasty eye strain now from checking my email, Facebook, and Ravelry. The screen of a phone is too tiny for the amount of time I spend on the internet. I need to change some habits. And I don't really spend all that much time on it. Urg. I got some knitting done. I whipped up a Fairisle hat. It's a model for the Fairisle class I've scheduled to teach. Yes! It's teaching season again. I'm going to be doing two beginning knitting classes per month, on Tuesday mornings, and Saturday mornings, plus a sock class in October and Fairisle in November. I wish I had time to do more. Pattern : Basic No...